Are you a photographer looking to elevate your craft and help your clients turn your digital images into real life masterpieces?

This comprehensive class is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a true professional in the art of printing your work and the power that holds for you as an artist and for your business.

Knowing how to properly print your work holds the same transformation for your art, as when you got up the courage to switch your camera from Auto to Manual. Take charge of the process every step of the way, and feel confident every time you send an image off to be printed.

There are several aspects that go into making sure our images print well, what types of products we can offer, how to show this to clients, how to know what products to choose and suggest, how to set up our computers and choose labs... it can feel overwhelming. But I've got you. We're going to cover it all. And you're going to feel so excited about making sure your work gets printed properly and up on your clients walls!

This course isn't only for you if want to be an IPS photographer, it's for you even if you just want to feel confident in your work being printed, and confident in how you educate clients on prints.

Let's show our clients how to showcase their images for the art it is!

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Who is teaching you this course?

First and foremost, I'm a proud wife and mom of four fantastic teenagers who bring a daily dose of chaos, laughter, and endless joy to my life. Don’t let anyone lie to you, teenagers are tons of fun! 

 I took the plunge into full-time photography eight years ago, transforming my passion into a profession. It's been a roller coaster of emotions, and growth, but it's one I wouldn't trade for the world!

I proudly hold a Master Photographer certification in both Child and Family Photography from NAPCP (National Association of Portrait and Child Photographers). I’ve been featured in Inspired Magazine, on the cover of BEC Magazine, 2023 Artist of the year with Stormy Solis, and various other awards over the years. 

But the skill I'm proudest of is the art of printing—transforming digital pixels into tangible memories for my own family and for my clients. As a print educator, I've mastered the craft of bringing photos to life, ensuring that the emotions and colors leap off the page. There's nothing quite like seeing a client's face light up as they hold a beautifully printed photograph in their hands.

If I'm not out shooting or editing you'll find me leading worship behind the piano, downing a messy street taco, playing in my garden, or traveling with my fam. Life is full and beautiful and I want to be fully present for every last minute of it.

Find me here:

Instagram: @nicole_ratliff_photography