Consistent workflow + lighting are a duo that are going to make your work recognizable and your editing life 10x easier!

This course is going to leave you feeling confident with a workflow that is adaptable to studio or in-home natural light lifestyle newborn sessions.

With a solid workflow and understanding of light, you will be able to leave a session knowing you have a gallery of images that will be consistent, no matter if it was done in studio or in-home, and you'll have clients that are in love with their experience and galleries.

I'm going to walk you through how I prep families, my favorite things to have on hand for sessions, my specific flow for my newborn sessions, and how I use light intentionally.

You'll get to see me run an in-home session and a studio session from start to finish... you'll see my soothing techniques, watch me pose during a session, I'll explain how I'm using the light and why I'm positioning clients the way I am.

Click the arrow to see the full curriculum.

Who is teaching this course?

Hi there! I'm Kelsi, owner of Lovebug Photography, located smack dab in the middle of the US, striving to deliver authentic love and fun from my sessions into client's hands through photographs.

I specialize in newborn and family photography - in my downtown studio, in my clients homes, and in the beautiful midwestern flatlands. I have a downtown studio here in Kansas that hosts clients, using a combination of studio and natural light. I have the honor of stepping into my clients homes to document their lives within their own walls. And during the warmer months, God's beautiful midwestern sunsets serve as a backdrop for the large part of my outdoor family sessions.

Being able to document pieces of my client's story from the beginning of their family forming, builds a relationship that continues to bring them back time and time again. And this part, my friends,leaves me humbled and overjoyed at this incredible career I'm able to pursue forever. 

Find me over at:


If you'd like to gaze upon some more of my work...